227 | Libra Lunar Eclipse: One Big Old Moon Report!
This week, there is almost nothing happening other than the opening salvo in this eclipse season: the Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, on March 25th at 12 midnight Pacific time. So, this episode is basically one big ol’ Moon report. Thrill to the details of this Libra Lunar Eclipse and what it means for your personal relationships! Plus: shaking out co-dependence, and the perfection of an imperfect person. For more about the upcoming eclipses, order April's Followed by a Moonshadow Eclipse Report - details here! Read a full transcript of this episode. Have a question you’d like answered on the show? Email April or leave it here! Subscribe to April’s mailing list and get a free lunar workbook at each New Moon! Love the show? Make a donation! Timestamps [1:08] Super Massive Moon Report! The Libra Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is on March 25 (12 midnight PDT) at 5º07’ Libra. This is the second Libra Eclipse in Libra during this Aries/Libra series. [1:40] This eclipse is part of a series on the Aries/Libra axis (April 2023-March 2025). These eclipses emphasize the need to let go of reliance on others (Libra South Node) and embrace independence and courage (Aries North node). [2:42] Lunar eclipses always have an impact on relationships, because they happen at a Full Moon when the Sun and Moon are in opposition to each other. [3:24] Look at the house of your chart where the eclipse point (5º07’ Libra) falls, as well as the planets that are within 1º-9º of Libra, Capricorn, Aries, or Cancer. Past eclipses at this degree, March 23, 2016 (3º17' Libra) and March 24, 1997 (3º35' Libra) may hint at important themes. [4:39] The Sabian symbol for the Moon is 6 Libra, Ideal of a man abundantly crystallized, and the Sun is on 6 Aries, A square brightly lighted on one side. Have standards. Know thyself. Know which imperfections you can live with. [6:32] This is the Full Moon in a Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC) that began Sep. 25, 2022, with a New Moon at 2º48' Libra. The First Quarter in this LPFC was on June 26, 2023, and the Last Quarter Moon is on Dec. 22, 2024. [7:28] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On March 26 (4:09 pm PDT), the Moon in Libra opposes Mercury in Aries. It's VOC for about 10 hours before it enters Scorpio on March 27 (2:03 am PDT). It's not always comfortable to stand up for what we feel strongly about, but it is sometimes very important that we do so for our own sense of integrity. [8:51] On March 29 (8:40 am PDT), the Moon in Scorpio trines Neptune. It's VOC for just about 4 ¼ hours and then enters Sagittarius (12:52 pm PDT). If you've been cautious about trusting others, rest assured, somebody in your circle has earned that trust. [9:52] On March 31 (5:16 pm PDT), the Moon in Sagittarius squares Neptune. It's VOC for just under 4 hours and then enters Capricorn (9:05 pm PDT). Take a look at where in your life you have chosen to hold on instead of moving forward on a delightful path. [11:01] Lunar Eclipse mini-lesson. Lunar eclipses occur at the Full Moon, when the Sun and Moon are in opposition, and are important for relationships. [11:43] If this eclipse and the one on April 8 aspect sensitive areas in your chart, you may well find that your happy relationship isn't quite as secure as you might have thought. [13:15] In particular, with your Sun or Ascendant near 5º07’ Aries and Libra, you are likely to experience critical transitions in romantic partnerships, very close friendships, or business collaborations. [14:24] With Sun or Ascendant near 5º07’ Taurus or Scorpio, impacts to relationships with co-workers, healthcare associates, service animals, spiritual advisors, hidden enemies, employees and those with whom you have an unequal relationship. [15:06] With the Sun or Ascendant near 5º07’ Gemini or Sagittarius, changes in relationships with friends, associates, soulmates, creative and political allies, your children and pets, lovers, fans of your creative work, and fellow members of a community. [15:45] With