268 | Gemini Full Moon: Be Curious and Stay Busy!

Much quieter skies this week compared to last, other than the chatty Gemini Full Moon. Mercury bids adieu to its latest retrograde period and celebrates with a sweet aspect to Venus. Relationship-oriented Venus and Mars face off in a contentious, but awareness-building opposition. And April answers a listener question about ideas that come our way when Mercury is retrograde – are they all bad? Plus: Cupid, old cases, and the Nike Moon! Timestamps - full show notes here [1:21] Venus opposes Mars (Dec. 12, 2:46 am PST) at 5°58’ Aquarius-Leo.  [4:26] Mercury sextiles Venus (Dec. 12, 11:45 pm PST) at 06°58’ Sagittarius-Aquarius. Mercury is on the Sabian symbol 7 Sagittarius, Cupid knocking at the door. Venus is on 7 Aquarius, A child born of an eggshell.  [6:15] Moon Report! The Gemini Full Moon is on Dec. 15 (1:02 am PST) at 23°52’ Gemini.  [12:26] Lunar Phase Family Cycle (LPFC). This is the Full Moon in the LPFC that began at the New Moon at 26º43’ Gemini (June 17, 2023). The First Quarter Moon of this LPFC was on March 16, 2024; the Last Quarter comes on September 14, 2025, at 21º52’ Gemini. [14:41] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon Periods. On Dec. 9 (12:45 am PST), the Moon conjoins Neptune in Pisces. It's VOC for 4 hours and 53 minutes before it enters Aries (5:38 am PST).  [16:15] On Dec. 10 (2:13 pm PST), the Moon in Aries trines the Sagittarian Sun. It’s VOC for 17 hours, 42 minutes (!!!) before it enters Taurus on Dec. 11 (7:55 am PST).  [17:36] On Dec. 13 (4:39 AM PST), the Moon in Taurus sextiles Neptune. It's VOC for 4 hours 42 minutes, then enters Gemini (9:22 am PST).  [18:20] On Dec. 15 (6:32 am PST), the Moon in Gemini squares Neptune. It's VOC for 4 hours and 49 minutes, then enters Cancer (11:21 am PST).  [19:50] Mercury stations direct (Dec. 15, 12:56 pm PST) at 6°23’ Sagittarius on the Sabian symbol, 7 Sagittarius, Cupid knocking at the door.  [23:16] Listener Elliott asks about ideas that come our way when Mercury is retrograde – are they all bad? [27:11] Got a question? Leave a message of one minute or less at speakpipe.com/bigskyastrologypodcast or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend! [27:44] A tribute to this week’s donors! Support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos for the coming year - go to BigSkyAstropod.com and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

Om Podcasten

Real astrology for real people, from astrologer and author April Elliott Kent. There‘s something for everyone, from total beginners to the astro-savvy! New each Monday.