New ROI Questions For AI, Microsoft’s Empire Plans, Jassy’s Amazon Comeback

Tom Dotan from the Wall Street Journal joins us for our weekly discussion of the latest tech news. We cover 1) What slow growing GenAI consumer usage says about the field 2) OpenAI's five levels of AI sophistication 3) Why enterprise rollouts of AI technology are moving slow 4) Is AI a startup game or scaled player only discipline 5) How small models fit in 6) Bing's failed run after Google 7) Sequoia's $600 billion question on AI 8) Can we use leftover GPUs to break out of the simulation 9) Microsoft plan to build an AI empire 10) Amazon's comeback under Jassy after a rough start --- Enjoying Big Technology Podcast? Please rate us five stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ in your podcast app of choice. For weekly updates on the show, sign up for the pod newsletter on LinkedIn: Want a discount for Big Technology on Substack? Here’s 40% off for the first year: Questions? Feedback? Write to:

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The Big Technology Podcast takes you behind the scenes in the tech world featuring interviews with plugged-in insiders and outside agitators. Alex Kantrowitz, a Silicon Valley journalist who's interviewed the world's top tech CEOs — from Mark Zuckerberg to Larry Ellison — is the host.