Ep. 197 - Clobo Talks Topics

Cliff Barackman and James "Bobo" Fay discuss topical news items with 'squatchy signficance in this week's episode! Topics include chimpanzee drum beats, the shared language of humans and apes, the "side-eye" glances of apes, and the consonant sounds of orangutans. Also mentioned: Neanderthals eating elephants, the enigmatic Minaret skull article and associated interview, and a sasquatch report from Oregon.Get $100 off your first six-session program today at Mindbloom.com/bigfoot, promo code bigfoot.Get our weekly bonus podcast "Beyond Bigfoot & Beyond" for just $5/month here: https://www.patreon.com/bigfootandbeyondpodcast Grab your official "Bigfoot & Beyond with Cliff & Bobo" merchandise here: https://sasquatchprints.com/bigfoot-and-beyond-merch/

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Bigfoot and Beyond with Cliff and Bobo is a weekly podcast hosted by Cliff Barackman and James "Bobo" Fay of Animal Planet's "Finding Bigfoot".