Bigfoot TIW 192: Classic Replay The Creepy Van Meter Visitor and an expert woodsman has a Bigfoot Experiment to share

On today's classic reply show in our Cryptids in the News and history segment, Kevin talks about an old time cryptid encounter in Iowa entitled the Van Meter Encounter. This thing is even creepier than Mothman, and a bit like some of the Jersey Devil encounters previously covered.And in part two, Bill reviews a fantastic review of an experiment conducted by a world-class outdoorsman related to our favorite hairyman...Bigfoot.And in part three, we've got some excellent listener mail which we will be reviewing, that you don't want to miss Thank you for listening!www.bigfootterrorinthewoods.comProduced by: "Bigfoot Terror in the Woods L.L.C."

Om Podcasten

You’ve heard him on Coast to Coast AM and the Sasquatch Chronicles. Now W.J. Sheehan, author of Bigfoot: Terror In The Woods, Sightings & Encounters Vol 1-6, brings you a podcast meant to chill the spine and stir your curiosity.