E2123 – Anthony Remis

In this episode, the BIMThoughts crew geeks out on all things AEC computer hardware with Anthony Remis owner of Remis Computer Solutions. https://bimthoughts.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/E2123.mp3 | Open Player in New Window Show Notes Episode Hashtag: #WarmCoffeeColdCPU Here is where you can find Anthony and Remis Computer Solutions on the World Wide Web: Website: Remis Computer Solutions LinkedIn:Anthony Remis Twitter: @remiscs YouTube: REMIS Computer Solutions Instagram: @remiscs Some links Anthony talked about on the show: Crucial P2 SSD MSi Afterburner ATTO Benchmark CrystalDiskMark Windows 10 Quick Tip: How To Display All CPU Cores Performance in Task Manager We want to hear from you the listeners on possible episode topics and guests. Share your ideas via the #BIMThoughts hashtag on Twitter. You can join the BIMThoughts Discord Server to share your ideas. Join using this link: https://discord.gg/nQNrVYY You can also join the BIMThoughts Slack channel to share your ideas. Join via an invite from the BIMThoughts Help Bill’s new YouTube Channel: Bill’s Workbench get 1,000 subscribers! Bill’s Workbench is about Restoring, Explanations, Exploring the Past and Present. Help Dana’s new YouTube Channel: DanamoBIM get 1,000 subscribers! Follow Dana’s BIM adventures – Dynamo, python and more!

Om Podcasten

BIMThoughts has two different kinds of episodes, a panel discussion and interview. Each panel episode we dive as deep as we can about BIM, Revit, AutoCAD, Navisworks or other topics. During our interview episodes, we interview top BIM professionals. We learn what makes them tick and their views on BIM, Revit, and the AECO industry.