30 Day Journal Challenge | What Happens When You Journal Daily

Why I’m journalling for 30 days & filming it all ⬇️ [Click here to see more] Keeping my mind clear - think of journalling like decluttering your mind. It helps you take all the junk out, sort it, and keep only what’s important. Staying focused - you set a goal and you feel good until 2.5 seconds later a distraction comes up and you’re sorting geese small to big instead working towards that goal that was far more important. Journalling keeps you on task. Presence - taking 10 minutes to sit down and write feels like you are slowing down time. It centers you to what’s actually happening around you in that very moment. And you capture it. The more I journal the more I feel like a kid again. Time doesn’t seem to move as fast. Discovering things about myself and teaching others in the process - I have some big dreams that scare me a bit. A 30 day journal challenge will help me get closer to those dreams and help people in the journey by showing them the exact process I use to journal, stay focused, and overcome challenges. To join on my instagram it’s only .99. All you need to do is go to my page here, click the subscription tab, and join. Then tune in at 8 am MT everyday to journal with me live or schedule time to watch the replay later. For more information on private coaching, group coaching, free resources, & more go to https://www.bingebreakers.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bingebreakers_bulimia/   DISCLAIMER   This recording is not nor is intended to be utilized as medical advice or a medical diagnosis. If you think you are in need of medical attention or treatment, please seek it immediately. This recording is intended to offer advice to those struggling with bulimia based on my own experience, my client's experiences, and what I’ve found to work. This recording will also contain sensitive subjects such as binging and purging, weight, & depression. Please listen at your own discretion and do what you think is best for you.    I am a coach. Not a doctor, therapist, or any other medical professional. I cannot diagnose conditions or prescribe treatments. If you think you need more advanced help, such as therapy, ED treatment, or you are a risk to your own health, please seek it immediately.    To find more resources on eating disorders please visit: https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/help-support/contact-helpline

Om Podcasten

How I overcame bulimia through reprogramming my brain, learned to love myself, and reached my healthy weight through non-restrictive, intuitive eating.