How To Stop Purging | 101s

*Disclaimer - if you are purging please contact your doctor to discuss how you can safely stop this behavior.This episode I discuss how to let go of and stop purging. It starts with how you think about purging. Switching your thought process from "this is useful" to "this is never useful." I discuss how I came to see purging as never useful to my life. Then this episode discusses how to recognize the pattern, interrupt it, and deal with the discomfort that follows. Over time it will be easier to say no to purging and you'll be grateful you did. Never purging is a rule that's kept me sober from bulimia for years and was a crucial step in learning how to be normal around food once again.Rumination podcast mentioned: For more information on private coaching, group coaching, free resources, & more go to Instagram:   DISCLAIMER   This recording is not nor is intended to be utilized as medical advice or a medical diagnosis. If you think you are in need of medical attention or treatment, please seek it immediately. This recording is intended to offer advice to those struggling with bulimia based on my own experience, my client's experiences, and what I’ve found to work. This recording will also contain sensitive subjects such as binging and purging, weight, & depression. Please listen at your own discretion and do what you think is best for you.    I am a coach. Not a doctor, therapist, or any other medical professional. I cannot diagnose conditions or prescribe treatments. If you think you need more advanced help, such as therapy, ED treatment, or you are a risk to your own health, please seek it immediately.    To find more resources on eating disorders please visit:

Om Podcasten

How I overcame bulimia through reprogramming my brain, learned to love myself, and reached my healthy weight through non-restrictive, intuitive eating.