Protecting Birds During Spring Migration with Dr. Daniel Klem

Spring migration has begun and we have highly-renowned ornithologist Dr. Daniel Klem, Jr. with us to talk about his brand-new book on preventing bird window strikes, Solid Air -- Invisible Killer: Saving Billions Of Birds From Windows. He tells us about his top three deterrents for preventing bird window strikes. His book can be ordered at or go to: Did you know that 44% of all bird collisions with glass occur at your average home? For more info go to: and For window deterrents go to;;; and We also discuss safe nesting materials for birds as well as surviving that first trip to the garden center. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: Send your questions about birds and native gardening to (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.

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Love gardening and birds and want to help Mother Nature? Join host Catherine Greenleaf, former gardening columnist for the Boston Herald Sunday Magazine and a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for discussions about organic gardening and restoring native habitat to help the birds and other wildlife in your backyard. Catherine Greenleaf talks about the natural history of birds and interviews the leading experts about how to turn your backyard into a native oasis for birds and pollinators.