The Evolution Of Bird Song With David George Haskell

Did you know seagulls evolved a loud and raucous cry so they could be heard over the crash of waves and surf? Or that grassland songbirds evolved a buzzing and trilling call so they could be heard through the turbulence and wind shear of the open prairie? Today, we speak with award-winning biologist David George Haskell, author of the critically acclaimed book, Sounds Wild And Broken, about the evolution of bird song. Join Catherine Greenleaf, a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wild birds, for twice-monthly discussions about restoring native habitat and helping the birds in your backyard. Access the BIRD HUGGER Newsletter here: Send your questions about birds and native gardening to (PG-13) St. Dymphna Press, LLC.

Om Podcasten

Love gardening and birds and want to help Mother Nature? Join host Catherine Greenleaf, former gardening columnist for the Boston Herald Sunday Magazine and a certified wildlife rehabilitator with 20 years of experience rescuing and rehabilitating injured wildlife, for discussions about organic gardening and restoring native habitat to help the birds and other wildlife in your backyard. Catherine Greenleaf talks about the natural history of birds and interviews the leading experts about how to turn your backyard into a native oasis for birds and pollinators.