9. Kara Thornton, IBCLC/Lactation Consultant - Breastfeeding Simplified

Breastfeeding seems like the most natural thing a mom and baby can do, right? Well, as Kara explains, it's a learning curve for both! Moms often don't know who to turn to for breastfeeding advice - the internet is teeming with incorrect information and your well-meaning pediatrician or midwife may have outdated information. An IBCLC, or lactation consultant as most of us know them by, are often covered by your insurance company and can really help you build a strong breastfeeding relationship. Kara has been a friend of mine for over 15 years and we could've talked to her about breastfeeding for hours! She does such a great job normalizing all of the things deemed "problematic" for new moms. Since we both became moms, Kara has had a passion for breastfeeding. We hope you find our talk as helpful as we did! Kara loves the Haakaa, like so many other moms we talked to. I know a product I will absolutely be buying for this baby! :) If you are in New Jersey and want to schedule a visit with Kara, jump on her website and follow her on Instagram or Facebook, no matter where you live! Don't forget to follow us on Instagram and send us your funny pregnancy/parenting moments! We always like to hear from you, so send us an email - birthnaturallypodcast@gmail.com Stay happy and healthy! These are some crazy times but they, too, shall pass. Until next time, Kali + Cait --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/birthnaturally/support

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Sharing stories about med-free birth and beyond. Whether you are a seasoned mom, new mom, pregnant with your first or trying to conceive, we hope the stories and information we share will give you empowerment! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/birthnaturally/support