Stories: Powerful Tools for Social Change

In this episode, Sara considers the power of telling your birth story--or your pregnancy or postpartum story. Stories remind us that we are each unique, whole individuals with immeasurable worth and dignity. They highlight the barriers that need to be removed on our path to a better birth experience, and they showcase what's possible if we work together for change. If you'd like to share your story on the podcast, email or reach out on Instagram or Facebook (@birthwords).   REFERENCES American Psychological Association. (2021, Ju ne). Carl Rogers, PhD. Council on Social Work Education. (2023). What is Social Work? CSWE. Mcleod, S., PhD. (2023). Humanistic Approach in Psychology (humanism): Definition & Examples. Simply Psychology. Rogers, C. (1995). A Way of Being, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Sulé, V. T. (2020). Critical race theory. Encyclopedia of Social Work.

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Birth worker Sara Pixton draws on her backgrounds in applied linguistics and social work to explore the power of words during the childbearing season and how we can all come together to better care for and honor those who give birth.