Episode 25 - Subnet 22 Datura w/ Giga

In this 25th episode of the Bittensor Guru, I interview Subnet 22 Datura developer Giga. Datura queries a plethora of sources directly and uses it's own "smart scrape" technology to provide highly relevent responses to user queries at https://datura.ai including leveraging an LLM to provide a summary of results. We discuss their functionality, incentive mechanism and roadmap.   https://datura.ai https://twitter.com/KeithSingery https://taostats.io/validators/bittensor-guru-podcast/    

Om Podcasten

The Bittensor Guru focuses on Bittensor, the project that combines artificial intelligence and blockchain technology to create an incentivized marketplace for machine learning. This podcast covers the Bittensor ecosystem, community, projects, developments and much more. Hosted by Keith Singery, a Bittensor enthusiast who runs a validator and volunteers as a moderator on the project's official Discord server. Support this podcast by delegating Tao: https://taostats.io/validators/bittensor-guru-podcast/