Bonus! - Talking IWC Watches with Asher Rapkin and Jason Heaton

To celebrate our 10th season and our love of watches, I’m pleased to bring you a special bonus episode with Asher Rapkin of the watch community, Collective and writer Jason Heaton of The Grey Nato, and his recent novel Depth Charge. We discuss our love of all things mechanical, the origins of Collective and their recent collaboration with IWC, the famous “dirty dozen” watches of WW2, and watches we feel were overlooked.

Om Podcasten

Step into the vibrant and dynamic world of fashion, design, and unparalleled creativity with Blamo!, the podcast that invites you to journey alongside host Jeremy Kirkland as he unveils the stories, inspirations, and craftsmanship of visionaries shaping the world of fashion and culture. Get ready for an immersive exploration of the fashion and culture realm that goes beyond the surface and delves deep into the minds behind the garments, music, and the things we all can't get enough of.