Sarah's story about psychological, economical and sexual abuse

Sarah is an expat living in a country far away from home. She is well educated, she is beautiful and living an upperclass life. In this podcast Sarah tells the story about psychological, economic- and sexual abuse she is living with for many years. Her abusive husband is putting her down, neglecting her and short tempered on a daily basis. He is threatening her with losing her children if she wants to leave. Sarah tells her story in this podcast. She tells it openly and candid.I hope you will share this and give us recommendations so more listeners can get access. You want to learn more about gaslighting, how to spot it and how to empower yourself? Follow the link for more to Break Free, a podcast dedicated to empowering survivors of emotional abuse and gaslighting. I'm Anne-Cathrine Blegvad, a psychologist specializing in helping individuals heal from the invisible wounds of manipulation and control.In this space, we’ll explore real stories, expert insights, and strategies to break free from the cycle of abuse.My mission is to replace shame with understanding and loneliness with connection.Together, we’ll shine a light on the resilience of survivors and foster a community where healing is not just possible but celebrated. Let’s begin this journey toward reclaiming your voice and your power.

Om Podcasten

Bliv fri af psykisk vold - er en podcast lavet til dig der lever i et parforhold hvor der er psykisk vold. Til dig der er brudt fri og har levet i et parforhold med psykisk vold eller er vokset op med psykisk vold. I denne podcast deler jeg al min viden med dig. Du får viden om:*Hvad er psykisk vold *Hvad er psykologien bag*Hvad er konsekvenserne for dig der enten lever med eller har levet med psykisk vold *Hvad kan du gøre for at passe på sig selv uanset om du vil blive eller gå.Mit navn er Anne-Cathrine Blegvad. Jeg er psykolog og specialiserer mig i psykisk vold i nære relationer. I min praksis møder jeg både mænd og kvinder udsat for psykisk vold. Jeg har lavet onlinekurset Bliv fri af psykisk vold og styrk dig selv. Det er et onlinekursus til dig der gerne vil være fri af psykisk vold. Du kan finde det her på