Art - How Blockchain Can Disrupt Power and Fraud

Fine art is a 3 trillion dollar industry.  The market can be illiquid and difficult for collectors to not only find pieces they're looking for, but difficult for owners to sell. Art galleries and dealers typically make the market. Galleries and dealers can run up prices for inexperienced buyers and put them at a disadvantage. Forget about museums, the overhead is through the roof and they often have to resort to selling their inventory to finance operating expenses. What if a fan could buy a fractional share of their favorite painting? A crypto company that is trying to solve the current challenges of art: Maecenas

Om Podcasten

Blockchain is a technology that will disrupt nearly every industry. We explore one industry in every episode. How will blockchain change art, music, or online advertising? What projects are already underway? Listen to find out. Hosted by Matt Aaron & Blake Moore. Part of the podcast network.