Blockchain - Don't Believe the Hype

In the mainstream press and the global corporate world, cryptocurrency is reviled. It is hated. Its users are thought to be straight trash. Don’t ever forget that. That it derives from distinctly polemical anarchists who were bent on leaving government forms of money makes it all the worse. There is absolutely no reason for the financial system undergirding media and business, insulated and protected by the status quo, to do anything other than what they’re doing: portray cryptocurrency as a plaything for geeks, drug losers, and terrorists. And they have some legitimate arguments: 90% of the projects taking advantage of the buzzword "blockchain" in order to make money. Despite triggering a quick pump in the share price of several companies, the practice of companies attempting to cultivate an exaggerated or fraudulent association with distributed ledger technology has resulted in little more than an increase in the scrutiny and suspicion with which the mainstream markets treat publicly listed crypto companies. Kelso and Matt discuss the hype and try to make sense of it all.

Om Podcasten

Blockchain is a technology that will disrupt nearly every industry. We explore one industry in every episode. How will blockchain change art, music, or online advertising? What projects are already underway? Listen to find out. Hosted by Matt Aaron & Blake Moore. Part of the podcast network.