Wine - Vineyard Cash Flow, Beverage Fraud - VinX, VeChain

Stuart tells us some stories about Scotland's pride: Buckfast tonic wine, which is prone to causing poor behavior. From there, we tackle: The traditional wine market: the exporter, the importer, the distributor, the store, the customer ... a long supply chain that can be improved to be more efficient How feasible is it to move away from in person purchases to online with wine? Baby boomers and millennials, their impact in the current industry Avoiding fraud with blockchain technology: the corks and their fingerprint The potential to decentralize trust in supply chains and bring measurable benefits and value to the public and private sectors. Projects trying to be the solution: Vechain and “My story” app, for eliminating counterfeit VINX, wine futures for giving to consumers a pull or a discount to buy in

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Blockchain is a technology that will disrupt nearly every industry. We explore one industry in every episode. How will blockchain change art, music, or online advertising? What projects are already underway? Listen to find out. Hosted by Matt Aaron & Blake Moore. Part of the podcast network.