S4E4 VeChain: A Sustainable Blockchain with a Purpose w. Sunny Lu

How many Layer 1 Blockchains do you know that are mission-driven to support sustainability? VeChain might be the only one… Not only that, they’re the only Blockchain whose whitepaper was co-authored by BCG. This is a serious team, with serious ambitions, and Sunny Lu joins us to answer YOUR questions. Many Blockchains will say they are ‘sustainable’… Which is a common reference to the fact that their energy usage (through Proof of Stake Consensus) is 99% lower than Bitcoin’s. But are they driving change through enabling sustainability projects? VeChain are, and along with insights into the technology and the use cases, we talk about: - The history of VeChain - Why Blockchains uniquely benefit sustainability initiatives - Collaboration with BCG and how a top consultancy committed to writing a Web3 whitepaper - Blockchain incentive design, and how mature ‘X to Earn’ models have become in 2024 - What more is needed to see wider use of Blockchain and decentralised technology

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Cutting through the hype, telling inspiring stories from people and organisations who are creating real change in the world with Blockchain and Exponential technologies. Listened to in 150+ countries worldwide. Hosted by: Anthony Day, Blockchain Leader at Midnight