Did Rain Dove Fake A Hate Crime? (Unlocked Premium Episode)

Katie and Jesse discuss Katie's mushroom hunting, the downfall of @piney_the (the latest -- and most hilariously incompetent -- Twitter account run by a white person pretending to be a person of color), and Rain Dove, the nonbinary model, activist, and Instagram celebrity who appears to make a lot of stuff up. (Original published October 5, 2020 for our premium subscribers.) Show notes/Links: Access to premium episodes: https://patreon.com/blockedandreported Rundown of @piney_the tweets, evidence, etc.: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DKW-7LnY62mrCefWWJl4i8sofAop6zYidf0iXwPMN84/edit Evidence thread on Twitter: https://twitter.com/drama_science/status/1310688504876273664 NBC: Rain Dove admits to selling TMZ incriminating Asia Argento texts - https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/rain-dove-admits-selling-tmz-incriminating-asia-argento-texts-n1103466

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Journalists Katie Herzog and Jesse Singal scour the internet for its craziest, silliest, most sociopathic content, part of an obsessive and ill-conceived attempt to extract kernels of meaning and humanity from a landscape of endless raging dumpster fires. www.blockedandreported.org