Chris Porter on Booking, Managing Artists, running a Record Label, Bumbershoot, "The Town And City Festival", Hockey, and more... #97

This week we have an interview with Chris Porter, who started his music career in college radio at WJUL, has managed artists, run a record label, booked clubs, and has put together massively successful festivals, including the Bumbershoot Festival in Seattle and "The Town And The City Festival" in his hometown of Lowell MA! Chris has pretty much done it all in his 30+ year music career, and oh did we mention he loves Hockey and is a fun interviewee....also new music by Lee Harrington & Lynda Mandoyln and Mr. Airplane Man! Music The Charms "So Pretty" (theme song) Lee Harrington & Lynda Mandolyn "Real Love" Mr. Airplane Man "Moment" Recorded by Mike Nashawaty on June 26, 2021 at Voice Motel, Somerville MA support the podcast:

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Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Blowing Smoke with Twisted Rico starring music industry veteran Steev Riccardo features weekly guests mostly from the world of music including musicians, songwriters, record producers, label managers, roadies, publicists etc. There are also new music segments, new songs, reviews, and other lively rock n roll road stories. Follow Blowing Smoke with Twisted Rico on Instagram @blowingsmokewithTR contact Steev at