Keith Bennett - On his wild youth, Boston hardcore, PanzerBastard, Wrecking Crew, Kiss, Motorhead, recovery, and more... #88

On this episode of the show, we are joined by Keith Bennett, who shares some insanely funny stories about his youth including how the KISS "Rock And Roll Over" album changed his life and led him to be the rocker he still is today. We also talk about the Boston hardcore scene, Wrecking Crew, PanzerBastard, Motorhead, sitting in with the Gang Green all-star band, and what recovery has been like for him. Its a real dose of reality and honesty, the way we like it... Music The Charms "So Pretty" PanzerBastard "Grave Robber" The Outlets "Bright Lights" Recorded on April 28 by Nick Z. at New Alliance East, Somerville MA   please support the podcast at

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Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Blowing Smoke with Twisted Rico starring music industry veteran Steev Riccardo features weekly guests mostly from the world of music including musicians, songwriters, record producers, label managers, roadies, publicists etc. There are also new music segments, new songs, reviews, and other lively rock n roll road stories. Follow Blowing Smoke with Twisted Rico on Instagram @blowingsmokewithTR contact Steev at