Mini Jam #6 - 3 tunes at 85bpm

This week we've got something I haven't done in a while - a mini jam episode. That means we're playing 3 tunes back to back instead of focussing on just one. The idea is it feels a bit more like playing at a jam session. I know some of you use these tracks to work up to attending a jam so hopefully this will help with that!I've gone for 3 tunes with a more open feel, they're not quite as busy as tunes like Blackberry Blosson. They are:Home Sweet Home in D Red Wing in GPeartre...

Om Podcasten

The IBMA Award winning podcast for anyone and everyone who loves bluegrass. Free fiddle tune backing tracks and interviews with amazing people from the world of bluegrass. For every tune we give you four brand new tracks: - Backup 4 times through (you play the tune or improvise breaks)- Tune 4 times through (you play backup)- ‘Jam Along’ (4 complete run throughs, alternating backup and tune)- Full performanceFor more info and chord charts, visit Hope you find these tracks useful (and thanks for listening!) - Matt