Learn the English Phrases "on top of that" and "to top it all off"

Read along to practice your English and to learn the English phrases ON TOP OF THAT and TO TOP IT ALL OFFIn this English lesson I wanted to help you learn the English phrase, "On top of that". This is a phrase we use when we're talking about something that's in addition to something else. I could say this, "That I have to renew my license, and on top of that, I have to renew my license plates." So I've mentioned one thing and then I've mentioned another thing that I have to do. I could say this as well, "I have to go to market today, and on top of that, I have to go and pick up one of my kids later." So it's when you're talking about one thing and then there's another thing that also needs to happen. So, I have to make this video, and on top of that, I have to go in and edit the video.WANT FREE ENGLISH LESSONS? GO TO YOUTUBE AND SEARCH, "BOB THE CANADIAN"If you enjoy these lessons please consider supporting me at: http://www.patreon.com/bobthecanadianThe other phrase I wanted to teach you today is the phrase, "To top it all off." This is similar but this is the phrase we use just before mentioning the last thing, usually a bad thing. Here's a really good example. I could say this, "I was driving home with my car and I got a flat tire, and then after I got it fixed, to top it all off, I ended up running out of gas." So, I mentioned one thing, and then a really bad final thing. You could say this, you could say, "I'm scheduled to take an English test. And when I went to take the English test, I failed the test. And to top it all off, I'm not allowed to take the test again for three months." I don't know why that would be but maybe there's some sort of restriction. So, it's when you mention something that's kind of bad after mentioning something else that's a little bit bad.So to review, when you say, "On top of that" you're adding to a list of things that you're doing. You know, I have to make this video, and on top of that, I have to go to market today. So I'm mentioning two things I need to do, neither positive or negative. But when we use the phrase "To top it all off" we're usually talking about one negative thing that happened at the end of some other bad things. You know, I went to work today and students were really mean to me, and to top it all off, my family was mean to me when I came home. By the way, neither of those things actually happened.But hey, let's look at a comment from a previous video. I do have my comment today, not like the other day when I was doing the lesson at the spur of the moment. Here we go from Dmitry. "Hey Mr. Bob, thanks for the lesson. By the way, can we use squeeze in, in terms of taking a seat between two people that sit really tight? I hope you understand what I meant. Have a great day." And my response, yes, you can. That is another way to use it. Sometimes on the bus you have to squeeze in between two people. Great example, Dmitry . So, this is from the previous lesson where I talked about squeeze in and squeeze out, and those are both... Sorry, and that was another good additional meaning of squeeze in.So, as you can see, I'm back at home and I'm making a video at home for a change. I have been making videos out and about. I will do more of those as I am out and about a lot right now, but today is, kind of, a little bit of a crazy day. I make this video on a Thursday, it's also market day. So it feels... It's also the day where I speak with my French speaking partner. So, I feel like I'm squeezing in a lot of stuff today. If I could use the phrase again. So, it's kind of silly that I make this video today. It does fit. I mean, I'm not rushed or anything like that, but I think maybe I should make this video late in the day on Wednesday, because on Wednesdays I have lots of time right now.Support the show

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If you want to learn English with short easy-to-understand lessons then you've come to the right place. I'm Bob the Canadian and I make videos on Youtube (Just search for "Bob's Short English Lessons" on Youtube!) as well as podcasts right here to help you learn English. Four times each week I upload a short English lesson with a complete transcript in the description. During these lessons I teach one or two curious phrases from the English language and answer a listener question. Thanks for joining me and I hope your English learning is going well!