Why You Need Your Neighbors for Evolution (Pain & Wisdom, Part Deux!)

We've covered pain, suffering, and why it happens. There's no time like today to raise your frequency and really see your life from a different perspective. Here's what you need to know to turn pain into evolution and personal transformation. And what all of it has to do with your neighbors.

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I'm a mental-fitness-soul-aligning enthusiast. I love science but I love spirituality even more. As a licensed Psychologist & Psychospiritualist, I have an obsession to find my truth & help others find theirs. Whether it's through my own ramblings, connecting with others, or sharing what I'm learning from other dimensions, I'm all about delivering what's important. Let me help you create effortless shifts so that you can finally live with your head & heart aligned. My hope is to leave a significant ripple of love & inspiration. In love, laughter, and radiance, Jisunny (Dr. J)