#56: 5 Steps For a Successful Start to 2022 (and Personal Learnings From My 2021)

Feeling overwhelmed as the year begins and unsure where to start or how to find that motivation? Maybe you're disappointed in yourself for not reaching the big goals you set for 2021? You're not alone! I felt lots of those feels over the holidays and as the year began, but what I discuss in this podcast REALLY helped me. Instead of setting huge goals and throwing yourself into the year, we forget how vital it is to do a few things FIRST before we embark on our journeys. To set the RIGHT goals and start the year with a solid mindset and path, it's so important to: 1. Reflect, look back, find the mistakes and look for the lessons 2. Realise what needs to be prioritised 3. Celebrate what DID work from last year ...and only THEN are we able to set realistic goals, adjust our life and move forward. You can't move forward unless you look back for the learnings. After all, we are who we are today as a result of our past actions. We MUST change something we are doing to be able to see change in our lives. In this episode, I will help you find what that is! And, I open up about my own personal struggles in 2021 and how I overcame them, what I learnt and how they turned out to actually better my life in ways that I wouldn't realise if I didn't take the time to reflect and look back. Enjoy!  

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Welcome to Body Bites With Bec, a podcast designed for health conscious women who try it all, yet feel stuck in their attempts to reach (and maintain) their balanced weight and thrive at their optimal potential. Bec Miller, founder of Health with Bec and qualified Nutritionist specialising in weight loss, helps you uncover all of the different pieces of the puzzle to weight loss, energy, gut health, motivation and more so that you can quit the yo-yo dieting, find your balance and feel the way that you truly deserve. You can find Bec on instagram for lots more inspiration at @health_with_bec And, find plenty more free resources, including both free and paid programs at www.healthwithbec.com