#173 - Busting Myths about Blood Sugars and Diabetes

This is a special series on the Body Kindness podcast with Dietitian Glenys Oyston.  There is so much misinformation about diabetes… it’s no wonder if you find yourself confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed.  One source of stress we would like to help you take off the table is stressing over checking your blood sugars. From figuring out how often to check to decoding what the readings even mean to deciding on medications and more, we have you covered in this podcast episode.  And if you feel like you need more support, we would love to welcome you to our 3-month membership.  Our 14 modules cover blood sugar checking, stress resilience, diagnosis shame and much more. Check out all the modules here.

Om Podcasten

This is a show about health, not weight loss. It’s time to redefine what it means to pursue health, where your well-being matters more than your weight. When you practice Body Kindness®, you create a more satisfying life by being good to yourself. Learn how self-compassion and acceptance help you cultivate a “caregiver” voice and quiet the “inner critic”. HAES Dietitian and Certified Exercise Physiologist Rebecca Scritchfield and her guests have interesting conversations about the cultural influences that keep you stuck in “diet prison” and how you can break free to create meaningful changes in your life. Instead of dieting, you’ll practice self-care, including better sleep, flexible eating patterns, having more fun, and moving in way that feels good, not punishing. Regular guest Bernie Salazar, a former Biggest Loser “winner” shares why he’s happier and healthier as a fat man.