Americans, on election integrity, are very afraid

Only 37% of American adults think the coming 2024 elections will be open, transparent and honest. And it's no wonder: Democrats have been doing all they can to drum up chaos on the election counts because it suits their purposes. It's Democrats who can't generally win on principle -- because they don't have many. It's Democrats who can't usually sway voters by platform -- because they're thinly disguised communists. So it's Democrats who try to create as much problems at the polls as possible, so as to challenge results, so as to drag out elections, so as to create chaos over elections, so as to disenfranchise voters and call on courts and activist judges to make the ultimate determination of candidates. Add to that open borders and the Democrats' call to allow illegals to vote and what remains is a sad and sorry statistic: only 37% of American adults think the coming 2024 elections will be open, transparent and honest. Johnny Vieira is the founder of VotifyNow, a new app, that allows for real-time reporting of election problems and suspicions.

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