Season 5: #34 Larry Olubamiwo

Former heavyweight Larry Olubamiwo discusses his journey through boxing and life. A former sprinter, Larry got in to trouble, went to prison and then embarked on a career as a professional boxer. Not long into his career, he fell victim to Operation Raw Deal and was caught up in a steroid scandal, admitted 13 offences throughout his career and was banned. He came back, but settled for life as an opponent in the blue corner and then faded away, only to re-emerge as an actor.  Larry remains outspoken about PED use in boxing, how he thinks it should be regulated and how prevalent it is, lifting the lid on the dark side of the sport that many hope is not real, or not as bad as they fear it could be.

Om Podcasten

Revealing, in-depth interviews from around the boxing world by Tris Dixon, the former editor of Boxing News, and boxing author who is an elector for the International Boxing Hall of Fame, on The Ring Ratings panel and who was inducted into the British Boxing Hall of Fame in 2023.