New Year Health Optimization Tools with Kayla Barnes

If you are just getting started on your journey to optimal health, or you are getting refocused on your health. These are my top tips.   If you are just getting started on your journey to optimal health, or you are getting refocused on your health. These are my top tips.  If you're just getting started, do these things.    Go to bed earlier. By getting adequate sleep, you set yourself up for success the next day. Go bed by 10 pm.   Get up when your alarm goes off. You need to create new habits and develop discipline. Habits can take between eighteen and two hundred and fifty days to develop. Start now.   Get sun into the eyes every morning to set your circadian rhythm.   Take a cold shower every morning to boost dopamine and serotonin and increase energy. You can start with 30 seconds of cold and work up. Other options for cold are cold immersion, like a cold tub, jumping in a cold body of water, or cryotherapy.    Get ten to fifteen thousand steps every day.    Swap processed foods for whole foods.    Exercise (I prefer strength training) three to five times per week.

Om Podcasten

Maximizing Human Health and Performance. We discuss: optimal health, nutrition, high-performance, cognitive excellence, biohacking, longevity and more with top experts around the world. Hosted by Kayla Barnes-Lentz.