Experience Transformational Growth with Joseph Bojang
Experience Transformative Growth with Joseph BojangIn this episode, Philip welcomes special guest Joseph Bojang, a certified coach with expertise in human behavior, marketing, and business. Joseph shares his unique journey from running a marketing agency to becoming a transformational coach. The discussion explores the difference between problems and dilemmas, the significance of archetypes in personal development, and the importance of mindfulness practices. They delve into overcoming business overwhelm, the power of journaling, and the role of a coach in achieving self-discovery and authentic goal setting.Joseph emphasizes the transformative power of understanding and navigating one's dilemmas to achieve lasting fulfillment.Joseph Bojang on LinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/joseph-bojang/TOPICS• Joseph's Career Transition• Understanding Problems and Dilemmas• Creating Safety for Growth• The Role of Archetypes in Personal Development• Trends in Coaching and Personal Growth• The Importance of Coaching and Journaling• Conclusion and Contact Information#personaldevelopment #coaching #josephbojang #careercoaching__________________________WEBSITEhttps://www.philipvandusen.comBONFIRE MASTERMIND:https://philipvandusen.com/bonfireBRAND•MUSE NEWSLETTER https://www.philipvandusen.com/museCREATIVE PROFESSIONAL COACHINGhttps://philipvandusen.com/oneononeBRAND CONSULTINGhttps://philipvandusen.com/brand-consultingBRAND STRATEGY 101 COURSEhttps://philipvandusen.com/bs101YOUTUBEhttps://www.youtube.com/c/philipvandusen LINKEDINhttps://www.linkedin.com/in/philipvandusen/THREADShttps://www.threads.net/@philipvandusen FACEBOOKhttps://www.facebook.com/philipvandusen.agency/INSTAGRAMhttps://www.instagram.com/philipvandusen/____________________________________Philip VanDusen is a branding consultant and the owner of a brand strategy and design agency based in New Jersey. Philip is a highly accomplished creative executive and expert in brand strategy, graphic design, marketing and creative management. Philip provides design, branding, marketing, career and business advice to creative professionals, entrepreneurs and companies on building successful brands for themselves and the clients and customers they serve.