48: 2022 brand plan | a creative’s guide to branding and marketing your small business in 2022

Ready to build and grow your brand and your incredible creative business in 2022? Then we’re ready to help! Today, we’re kicking things off with our top 6 recommended strategies to focus on this year so you can brand and market your business like the creative pro that you are. We want to help you maximise your brand and give yourself the best possible opportunities to reach your people and make money doing what you love. If that sounds like a plan, then these 6 strategies are going to help you kick some ass and have a great year doing it!

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If you’re ready to get more eyes on your work, more dollars in your pocket, and more creativity in your life, you’re in the right place. Welcome! This is how we're gonna do it. Brand Your Passion is the show that helps you utilise branding & marketing to turn the thing you love the most into something that people know and love you for.