70: 50 content ideas for artists to establish your brand on social media

We all get stuck sometimes knowing what to post on social media. You really want people to know who you are, what you do, what you're all about, as well as obviously keeping them up to date with the products that you're releasing, the art that you're working on, and all the information that they need to know about where to find you and how to buy from you. But what can you post that will help you build your brand? In this episode, I’m here to give you a list of 50 content ideas that you can use to introduce and establish your brand on social media.

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If you’re ready to get more eyes on your work, more dollars in your pocket, and more creativity in your life, you’re in the right place. Welcome! This is how we're gonna do it. Brand Your Passion is the show that helps you utilise branding & marketing to turn the thing you love the most into something that people know and love you for.