56: Brand archetypes 101: what they are, which is yours, and how to use them

If you think about any story you've ever read or any movie you've ever watched, there are typical characters we encounter. There's the Hero, the Jester, the Wise Sage, and many more. We're familiar with these characters and intuitively understand who they are - and we can harness that very same power for your brand. Say hello to brand archetypes! We're here to give you the 101 on what brand archetypes are, which ones best describe your brand, and how you can use them to make your brand feel super relatable and familiar in your audience’s eyes.

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If you’re ready to get more eyes on your work, more dollars in your pocket, and more creativity in your life, you’re in the right place. Welcome! This is how we're gonna do it. Brand Your Passion is the show that helps you utilise branding & marketing to turn the thing you love the most into something that people know and love you for.