62: Jessica Abel on standing out, staying punk, and being bold about sharing your work

This week on the Brand Your Passion Podcast, I talk to author and indie cartoonist-turned-creative business strategist, Jessica Abel. Jessica is the founder of Autonomous Creative and an accomplished author who’s published a number of comics and prose books, including Growing Gills: How to Find Creative Focus When You're Drowning in Your Daily Life and Out on the Wire: The Storytelling Secrets of the New Masters of Radio. She specializes in helping mid-career creatives build businesses designed from the ground up to meet their financial needs without burning themselves out or sacrificing their creative integrity. She’s also chair of the illustration program at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. In this amazing episode, we talk about the punk strategies that got Jessica known & still work today, how to get opportunities that grow your brand, the two reasons artists share their work publicly, how consistent marketing compounds over time, why you need to keep going and commit to your work long-term, and so much more.

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If you’re ready to get more eyes on your work, more dollars in your pocket, and more creativity in your life, you’re in the right place. Welcome! This is how we're gonna do it. Brand Your Passion is the show that helps you utilise branding & marketing to turn the thing you love the most into something that people know and love you for.