Healing the Trauma of the Soul with Nancy Houston (Part 1)

Nancy’s life was like a movie. A bad one. One traumatic moment after another followed by repeated intense drama. Her life looked like it was headed to an apocalyptic crushing conclusion … then an unexpected turnaround when she met Jesus and Ron. What Nancy went through is the foundation of one of our most open, uninhibited conversations about emotional abuse, sexual trauma, healing and freedom.   In this Brave Men episode Paul talks in depth with noted therapist Nancy Houston about her life, her observations on trauma and how we can find healing. Nancy is an author, speaker, Executive Leadership Coach, Licensed Professional Counselor and Certified Sex Therapist.    In the first of an in-depth two-part series we walk into the depths of despair that so many of us have experienced. We talk openly about the most difficult issues that are usually hidden in the desire to look ‘normal.’ What’s hidden stays hurting. Repeated trauma can be healed. Here’s how.   Most recently Nancy has developed and leads Next Level Leadership Groups which is a relational approach to leadership. Nancy is a former adjunct at DBU and Concordia University and a fellow at the Townsend Institute at Concordia University.   (00:00) Empowering Conversations With Nancy Houston(08:37) Uncovering Childhood Trauma(21:12) Journey of Healing and Redemption(32:40) Life, Love, and Finding Faith(47:45) Navigating Trauma and Intimacy in Relationships(58:49) Overcoming Shame and Self-Talk Brave Men is a production of the Christian Men’s Network. Paul Louis Cole is the host. CMN produces resources to disciple men in over 40 languages. You can find these tools and information on how to disciple men at CMN.men

Om Podcasten

Brave Men exists to inspire men to live a better life. Through conversations andteachings meant to bring about wisdom and courage for the journey, Brave Menhopes to help men build a life filled with purpose and destiny. Your host for thepodcast is Paul Louis Cole, President of Christian Men’s Network - withrepresentation in over 100 nations around the world - and the founder of the GlobalFatherhood Initiative. Paul Cole has a deep passion to defeat fatherlessness, endchild abuse, and raise up strong men who love God, love people, and make animpact in their community. This is our mission. This... is Brave Men. Visit https://cmn.men for more information.