How Isha Clarke is Organizing Youth for Climate Justice - Episode Swap with Inflection Point

Brave, Not Perfect is sharing an episode from Inflection Point with Lauren Schiller this week highlighting a young climate activist fighting to save our planet. Isha Clarke is an activist with Youth vs Apocalypse. You may know her from a viral video where she asked Senator Dianne Feinstein to move the Green New Deal forward; she helped organize the youth Climate Strike in San Francisco that attracted 30,000 students, during the international "week of action" when Greta Thurnberg sailed to America. She is a high school student working every day to reverse the climate crisis because as she says..." we have this power and responsibility to make this radical change. And I hope that everyone listening will get involved and know that they have the power to do something." Listen and subscribe to Inflection Point: Follow Inflection Point on Twitter: Read the transcript for the interview: Learn more about Youth vs. Apocalypse: Follow Youth vs Apocalypse on Twitter:

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Get ready to leave perfect behind. Reshma Saujani, founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, has run for office twice and failed. But exercising her bravery muscle led her to create a nonprofit that's reached 300,000 girls with its computer education programs and message of sisterhood. Join Reshma on her mission to show that being brave, not perfect, is the secret to changing the world. The award-winning Brave, Not Perfect podcast, based on Reshma's internationally bestselling book, brings you interviews with changemakers with one thing in common. They decided it was better to be brave, not perfect.