Let’s Get Physical (ft. Madame Gandhi)

Let’s work that bravery muscle—literally! Reshma explores the ways we’ve been teaching young girls to be fearful and gives you a bravery challenge to help you unlearn those messages. Plus, she takes on a physical challenge that’s haunted her since childhood. You can leave a voicemail for Reshma at 347-76-BRAVE. Plus, you can follow her on twitter and instagram @ReshmaSaujani.  Guests: Madame Gandhi, a feminist musician who joins Reshma for a conversation about free bleeding, boxing and how she started dreaming bigger. Caroline Paul, who's exceptionally adventurous and wrote the New York Times bestselling book The Gutsy Girl: Escapades for Your Life of Epic Adventure. Madame Gandhi's Instagram: https://bit.ly/2H4ANAZ Caroline Paul's TED Talk: https://bit.ly/2N5ur4k

Om Podcasten

Get ready to leave perfect behind. Reshma Saujani, founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, has run for office twice and failed. But exercising her bravery muscle led her to create a nonprofit that's reached 300,000 girls with its computer education programs and message of sisterhood. Join Reshma on her mission to show that being brave, not perfect, is the secret to changing the world. The award-winning Brave, Not Perfect podcast, based on Reshma's internationally bestselling book, brings you interviews with changemakers with one thing in common. They decided it was better to be brave, not perfect.