Use Your Hands (ft. Angela Duckworth)

Does the idea of putting together furniture or changing a flat tire overwhelm you? Reshma explores the way young girls are discouraged from working through challenges and sitting with frustration—and how that impacts us later in life. Plus, we learn a surprising secret about the founder of Girls Who Code, who gives you a challenge to strengthen your bravery muscle. You can leave a voicemail for Reshma with your Brave, Not Perfect story or a question at 347-76-BRAVE. Plus, you can follow her on twitter and instagram @ReshmaSaujani. Guests: Psychologist Angela Duckworth, author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance & MacArthur genius grant winner, gives Reshma valuable advice for her bravery challenge and gives thoughtful insight about how we should all use our grit. Patrice Banks, founder of Girls Auto Clinic, talks to Reshma about her journey from being an "auto air head" to opening her own car repair shop focused on empowering women to get comfortable fixing their vehicles. Girls Auto Clinic: Angela Duckworth's TED Talk: The Character Lab:

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Get ready to leave perfect behind. Reshma Saujani, founder and CEO of Girls Who Code, has run for office twice and failed. But exercising her bravery muscle led her to create a nonprofit that's reached 300,000 girls with its computer education programs and message of sisterhood. Join Reshma on her mission to show that being brave, not perfect, is the secret to changing the world. The award-winning Brave, Not Perfect podcast, based on Reshma's internationally bestselling book, brings you interviews with changemakers with one thing in common. They decided it was better to be brave, not perfect.