Episode 188: ConQuest – The Psychology of Scammers and Victims

Welcome to ConQuest: the frontline sentinel safeguarding against the deceit of the financial world. Breaking Banks Europe is proud to introduce our new series, where 'Con' stands for the conniving con artists we intend to confront, and 'Quest' represents the relentless pursuit, investigation, and unmasking of their fraudulent activities. And we're not alone on this quest. We'll be joined by guests who battle these financial fraudsters daily, in their tireless efforts to protect, educate, and entertain. On our first installment, we welcome Kitboga - one of the biggest creators making incredible content, who will join us in understanding what's being the profile of victims and scammers biggest psychological traits. Connect with our guest:Kitboga - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm22FAXZMw1BaWeFszZxUKw https://twitter.com/Kitboga

Om Podcasten

The European Edition of Breaking Banks brings you the European Unicorns, Startups, Founders, Regulators and Leaders innovating the rapidly evolving Fintech scene, with some of the world’s most well-known hosts and influencers in fintech. Produced in cooperation with FintechStage.