#73 – You’re a Breakpoint, Harry: Magical Insights from CLSI and USCAST

Episode Notes Drs. Jim Lewis, Mike Satlin (@MSatlin) and Jason Pogue (@jpogue1) join Dr. Erin McCreary (@ErinMcCreary) for episode one of a five-episode miniseries all about breakpoints! Over the next five weeks, our panelists will cover breakpoint updates on piperacillin/tazobactam, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones, and non-fermenters. You won’t want to miss this series! Our first episode will tackle questions related to breakpoints themselves – a seemingly mystical art! How does a breakpoint become a breakpoint? How often are breakpoints updated? How do we implement all of these recent breakpoint changes into clinical practice? Tune in for answers to these questions and more! Learn more about the Society of Infectious Diseases Pharmacists: https://sidp.org/About Twitter: @SIDPharm (https://twitter.com/SIDPharm) Instagram: @SIDPharm (https://www.instagram.com/sidpharm/) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sidprx LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sidp/ Listen to Breakpoints on iTunes, Overcast, Spotify, Listen Notes, Player FM, Pocket Casts, Stitcher, Google Play, TuneIn, Blubrry, RadioPublic, or by using our RSS feed: https://sidp.pinecast.co/ Check out our podcast host, Pinecast. Start your own podcast for free with no credit card required. If you decide to upgrade, use coupon code r-7e7a98 for 40% off for 4 months, and support Breakpoints.

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