Understanding How Health Care Disparities May Influence Your Cancer Treatment and Care: With Tips and Strategies to Find the Best Cancer Treatment and Health Care Team for You

- Disproportionate Burden of COVID, Omicron & Cancer on People of Color - Social Determinants of Health, including Language Spoken & Health Literacy - Influence of the Local & Regional Environment in Which You Live - Effect of COVID & Omicron on Health Care Systems - How Race May Impact Your Access to Oncology Care, Treatment, Management of Treatment Side Effects & Pain Management - Tips to Find Your Best Care Team - Access to Cancer Treatment in the LGBTQ Community - The Role of Housing, Cost of Treatment & Care on Your Health - Food & Pharmacy Deserts - Food Insecurity: Tips to Increase Your Access to Health Promoting Nutrition - Job Commitments, Access & Transportation to Treatment - How Telehealth May Help in Advancing Your Health Equity - Tips to Cope with Health Care Disparities: Valuing Your Identity - Guidelines to Communicate with Your Health Care Team - Questions for Our Panel of Experts

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CancerCare's free Connect Education Workshops are a way for people to learn about cancer-related issues from the convenience of their home or office. Leading experts in oncology provide the most up-to-date information in these workshops to help you and your loved ones better understand and cope with your cancer diagnosis, treatment options, quality-of-life concerns, treatment side effects, pain management, doctor-patient communication and other important topics.