Biggest Mistakes I Made While Breastfeeding

Want to say something about the show? Send us a message!In today’s episode, Jacqueline reveals some of the biggest mistakes she made while breastfeeding and how she overcame them. From not recognizing signs of ties to being influenced by the internet, Jacqueline pushed through multiple obstacles that make up her breastfeeding journey. She didn’t wean her son during pregnancy but felt guilty for weaning her daughter too soon, Jacqueline realized that every baby is different and every nurs...

Om Podcasten

Breastfeeding Talk is a conversational podcast that explores the breastfeeding journey with a focus on new motherhood. Stock broker turned lactation consultant, and host, Jacqueline Kincer, IBCLC, CSOM shares with you her best advice for navigating this stage of motherhood with a mix of humor, realness, science, and compassion. On the Breastfeeding Talk podcast, you can expect honest conversations with leaders in breastfeeding health, raw talk about breastfeeding your baby, and most importantly: tips and strategies to create a breastfeeding journey that brings you joy.