Creon Levit on the DarkHorse Podcast

Creon was employed as a scientist at NASA Ames Research Center for over 30 years working in applied physics, aerodynamics, data visualization, computational chemistry, molecular nanotechnology, celestial mechanics, launch systems, optics, and satellite systems engineering. Since 2015 he has been chief technologist at Planet Labs - a satellite imaging company headquartered in San Francisco. Creon is a Planet Fellow at Planet Labs and a Senior Fellow at the Foresight institute. He serves on var...

Om Podcasten

The DarkHorse Podcast is hosted by Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying. Bret and Heather both have PhDs in biology, and they seek truth and explore a wide variety of topics with their evolutionary toolkit as society loses its footing. Tune in to infamous spreaders of "Covid Disinformation" Bret and Heather for a podcast—maybe you'll like what you see!