EPISODE 23: LEGO Haunted House!

We continue SPOOKtober with a deep dive into the horrifying LEGO Haunted HouseSET NUMBER10273-1PIECES3231MINIFIGS10 (10 Unique to this set)  All of our wax melts and candles are available here! BUY NOW!MAIN TOPICS/TAKEAWAYSThe haunted house is a theme park ride!It takes a lot of elements from The Adventurers theme!I've lost 236 LBS!Do you love what we do here? I feel SOOO loved when you guys buy me a cup of coffee!Follow US on Tiktok, Instagram, and YouTubeWE ARE GIVING AWAY THE STRANGER THINGS LEGO SET WHEN WE HIT 5k ON YOUTUBE!Go subscribe to be entered to win!I love you all thank you for sharing this space in time with me. Support the show

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The official Earle Fam podcast! Dive deep into nerd culture with Tiktok's favorite nerd family. Lego, Gaming, Comics, Movies and more! Follow the fam on TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@earlefambuilds?lang=en