Nerdy Talk Episode 3: Hawkeye Episode 4, HALO Infinite, and the new LEGO/TARGET collection!
Episode 4of Hawkeye was spectacular! We finally get the long awaited crossover between the Hawkeye show and the Black Widow movie! TODAY LETS TALK NERDY ABOUTHawkeye episode 4 breakdown!HALO Infinite is blowing away expectationsThe new LEGO/ Target collab is dope!My dear friend Izzy B has written and illustrated his own Childrens book! It runs 13.99 PLEASE click here to check it out for me!Join the conversation by @ing us onTwitter @earle_famDo you love what we do here? I feel SOOO loved when you guys buy me a cup of coffee!Follow US on Tiktok, Instagram, and YouTubeSupport the show