Key Takeaways 6: Calling To Action for Schools in Lagos Interested in Environment iniatives

Key Takeaways are summarised versions of what was discussed in each week's episode. It also includes any additional findings I've discovered since recording that episode and lastly offers actionable next steps for listeners. Got feedback on an episode? Got a question itching for an answer?Or some initiative you'd like us to amplify? Don't just sit there, be lowkey podcast guest! You can record a voice message, anonymous or with a shoutout, and we'll feature it on the podcast the following week. Click here to record a voice message For inquiries, long feedback, or proposals email: To continue the discussion follow us on: ⁠Twitter ⁠or ⁠Instagram⁠

Om Podcasten

The podcast aims to create a unique space for young and old Nigerians to exchange ideas respectfully, bridging the knowledge and age gap while promoting inclusive discussions. Each episode will bring together experts to share useful insights on various topics about Nigeria. This includes topic areas such as governance, health, technology, culture and more