How The Enneagram Helped Me Become A Better Entrepreneur

I love a good personality quiz or really anything that gives me a new perspective or a fresh look into the human mind and our behavior. I've always been interested in the zodiac and have found Myers-Briggs to be especially enlightening. But then I was introduced to the enneagram and my whole mindset shifted when it comes to myself, my habits, my stressors, my relationships, and my business. Pour yourself a cup of something yummy, get comfy, and tune in for another episode of the Broadening Horizons Podcast! Read the Blog and Sign Up for the Freebie Here! Follow along on Instagram!

Om Podcasten

Welcome to the Broadening Horizons Podcast hosted by Catryn & Mike Miller, the designers and developers behind the branding & web design company Sweet Horizon Studio. Come join the conversation on all things business and design as we answer the questions and concerns we hear most frequently from clients and fellow small business friends and as we do a deep dive into online trends and the ends and outs of running an online business. With 7+ years of experience as graphic designers helping fellow creatives and bloggers build their dream online platforms, we're here to give you support in your business journey and share all the secrets and tips & tricks we've learned through the years to help you build the business of your dreams. Pour yourself a cup of something yummy, get comfy, and let's start this thing together!