36. A highly sensitive messy conversation.

In this episode we speak roughly about: Environmental activism Derek Jensen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derrick_Jensen Highly sensitive people - the "diagnosis"/label --> On labels in general and the need of IDENTIFICATION Where are you from? https://www.ted.com/talks/taiye_selasi_don_t_ask_where_i_m_from_ask_where_i_m_a_local?language=en Being interested in "the other" or not - wanting to find the connectors rather than the differences? Humanism https://onbeing.org/programs/derek-black-and-matthew-stevenson-befriending-radical-disagreement/ The FB-post on Peanuts: https://www.facebook.com/allegra.chelllewis.9/posts/164412915268490 Messy conversations - and ask to the listeners: go out and engage in messy conversations! The episode was recorded on 20201107.

Om Podcasten

This podcast is a series of conversations between Dominic Venter, Helena Roth and Caspian Almerud. We have these conversations because we think they will provide value in the form of information, knowledge, wisdom and hopefully some new thoughts.