#2. 아장아장(ENG) : Order the foods/drinks (more/less and size expression)

[AzangAzang] The first episode! HELLO! We have three different corners in our podcast and Azangazang is one of them! The term of "Azangazang" is the onomatopoeia for baby walking. So this corner is for the beginners who just start to learn Korean and we will help you improve your Korean with a real Korean dialogue! Let's learn how to order the food/drinks in Korea with a real talk! Email: bbforbusiness91@gmail.com All music and some effect sound production and Directed by Minji and Jisu

Om Podcasten

외국인을 위한 한국어 방송! BuddyBuddy(Learning Korean with us!) If you want to learn the Korean culture, listen our Podcast! With a real talk in Korea daily life, we'll explain the important expressions or tips for you. Please feel free to send email if you have any questions or feedback! Email: bbforbusiness91@gmail.com